среда, 2 апреля 2014 г.

download BreakevenApp free android app



Download .apk

** On sale today only, normal price $4.99. **

Breakeven App lets you know if your startup or small business will make money. Quick and easy validation!

This app helps you determine:

...how much it will cost to run your small business.

...how long your startup capital will last.

...how much you need to sell to break even.

Quick cash flow forecasting and financial modelling for your business. With plain language help files and no need for Excel.

Measure your business viability.

Designed for tablets.

Internet connection required for calculations.

Download .apk

Let's start with perhaps one of the most obvious examples. While there are not many characters that, physically make appearances in several Tarantino films, most people familiar with the trivia that Vincent and Vic Vega are brothers, Alabama is referenced in Reservoir Dogs and star in True Romance, and Red Apple Cigarettes show in almost any of Tarantino's films. There is even a link with Inglourious Basterds, which brings the crossover connection all the way back to World War II download BreakevenApp 5.0 apk . (Artwork for Reservoir Dogs by Justin Reed at justinreedart.

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