четверг, 2 октября 2014 г.

download Children Story in 4 langauges 6 for free

Children Story in 4 langauges


Download .apk

"Useful Recipe" - a beautifully illustrated, 16-page, folk story in 4 languages. You select the language by pressing the country flag.

- English

- Russian

- French

- Romanian

Swipe side-to-side to go to the next page of the story.

Tap on the screen to view the text and change language.

Send us your own language translations and we may include it!

Search on the Market for:

"Useful Recipe"

"Children Books"

"International Children Stories"

Download .apk

This is LaRed first European collection and will be distributed in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Costa Rica and Uruguay by every member of the network: LATE , Malaparte Distribucion ND Mantarraya and Interior13 Children Story in 4 langauges 6 apk free download .

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