четверг, 2 октября 2014 г.

download 3D whatsapp glow HD wallpaper APK

3D whatsapp glow HD wallpaper


Download .apk

★★★★★ Get the magica glow deluxe backgrounds for your whatsapp messenger

HD glow deluxe wallpaper for whatsapp messenger is for the discerning smartphone owner who demands a high class design style.

Enjoy 45 quality high class HD wallpaper for a magical whatsapp feeling.

note: deluxe HD wallpaper app works only with whatsapp messenger for android

easy to use:

1) open whatsapp

2) start a conversation with a friend

3) > choose Menu > Wallpaper > Gallery > "deluxe"

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Magic4works: Over 300 quality designer apps and widgets for android. We make designer apps for the discerning smartphone owner.

click on "more by magic4works" or search for magic4works here in the market and find more designer apps in google play store.

Made in Germany - copyright© all rights reserved magic4works

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